
Welcome to the monarch library! Our goal is to include all peer-reviewed articles on monarch biology with links to sites that will give you the easiest direct access to each article. Please contact if you 1) know of an article not included, 2) find a mistake in any of the listed articles, 3) know of a better link to access an article. Thanks! With your help we can provide the most complete, informative access to all papers on monarch biology.

Field Definitions

First author: Last name of the first author
Type: Article or book chapter
Year: Publication year
Source: Journal or book
Category*: Broad scope of the publication.
Research topic (monarch & supporting research only)*: Specific topic.
Geographic focus*: Geographic setting for field studies.
Monitoring data used: Data from monitoring or public data efforts.
* Full list

10 result(s)
Category: Commentary or review
Type: Article
Year: 2021
Fordyce JA, Nice CC and Forister ML. (2020) Commentary: Evaluating the Migration Mortality Hypothesis Using Monarch Tagging Data. Front. Ecol. Evol. 8:604914. doi: 10.3389/fevo.2020.604914

Category: Migration
Type: Article
Year: 2015
Steffy G. (Online Early.) Trends Observed in Fall Migrant Monarch Butterflies (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) East of the Appalachian Mountains at an Inland Stopover in Southern Pennsylvania over an Eighteen Year Period. Annals of the Entomological Society of America.

Category: Migration
Type: Article
Year: 2015
Rivera-Flores MA, González-Gómez R, Luna-Soria H, García-Rubio OR. 2015. Using Citizen-Monitoring to Define the Migration Route of Monarch Butterfly, Danaus plexippus (L.) 1, in the State of Guanajuato. Southwestern Entomologist 40: 233-236.

Category: Monarch research, Orientation
Type: Article
Year: 2013
Mouritsen H, Derbyshire R, Stalleicken J, Mouritsen OO, Frost BJ, Norris DR. 2013. An experimental displacement and over 50 years of tag-recoveries show that monarch butterflies are not true navigators. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of t

Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Article
Year: 2012
McCord JW, Davis AK. 2012. Characteristics of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus) that stopover at a site in coastal South Carolina during fall migration. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 45: 1-8.

Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Article
Year: 2010
McCord JW, Davis AK. 2010. Biological Observations of Monarch Butterfly Behavior at a Migratory Stopover Site: Results from a Long-term Tagging Study in Coastal South Carolina. Journal of Insect Behavior 23: 405-418.

Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Article
Year: 2008
Brindza LJ, Brower LP, Davis AK, Van Hook T. 2008. Comparative success of monarch butterfly migration to overwintering sites in Mexico from inland and coastal sites in Virginia. Journal of the Lepidopterists Society 62: 189-200.

Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Book Chapter
Year: 2004
Davis AK, Garland MS. 2004. Stopover ecology of monarchs in coastal Virginia: using ornithological techniques to study monarch migration. Pages 89-96 in Oberhauser KS, Solensky MJ, eds. The Monarch Butterfly: Biology and Conservation. Ithaca, USA: Cornell University Press.

Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Article
Year: 2002
Garland MS, Davis AK. 2002. An examination of monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) autumn migration in coastal Virginia. American Midland Naturalist 147: 170-174.

Category: Monarch research, Orientation
Type: Book Chapter
Year: 1999
Rogg KA, Taylor OR, Gibo DL. 1999. Mark and recapture during the monarch migration: A preliminary analysis. Pages 133-138 in Hoth J, Merino L, Oberhauser K, Pisanty I, Price S, Wilkinson T, eds. 1997 North American Conference on the Monarch Butterfly. Canada: Commission for Environmental Cooperation.

This database is a work in progress and is likely to contain several omissions and mistakes.
Please contact with any additions or corrections.