Welcome to the monarch library! Our goal is to include all peer-reviewed articles on monarch biology with links to sites that will give you the easiest direct access to each article. Please contact leslie.ries@georgetown.edu if you 1) know of an article not included, 2) find a mistake in any of the listed articles, 3) know of a better link to access an article. Thanks! With your help we can provide the most complete, informative access to all papers on monarch biology.
Field Definitions
First author: Last name of the first author
Type: Article or book chapter
Year: Publication year
Source: Journal or book
Category*: Broad scope of the publication.
Research topic (monarch & supporting research only)*: Specific topic.
Geographic focus*: Geographic setting for field studies.
Monitoring data used: Data from monitoring or public data efforts.
* Full list
995 result(s)
Category: Monarch research, Overwinter dynamics
Type: Article
Year: 1978
Tuskes PM, Brower LP. 1978. Overwintering ecology of monarch butterfly, Danaus-plexippus L, in California. Ecological Entomology 3: 141-153.
Category: Monarch research, Overwinter dynamics
Type: Article
Year: 1977
Brower LP, Calvert WH, Hedrick LE, Christian J. 1977. Biological observations on an overwintering colony of monarch butterflies (Danaus plexippus, Danaidae) in Mexico. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 31: 232.
Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Article
Year: 1977
Smithers CN. 1977. Seasonal distribution and breeding status of Danaus plexippus (L.)(Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae) in Australia. Australian Journal of Entomology 16: 175.
Category: Monarch research, Orientation
Type: Article
Year: 1977
Kanz JE. 1977. The orientation of migrant and non-migrant monarch butterflies, Danaus plexippus (L.). Psyche 84: 120.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1977
Herman WS, Barker JF. 1977. Effect of mating on monarch butterfly oogenesis. Experientia 33: 688-689.
Category: Other
Type: Article
Year: 1977
Herman WS, Dallmann SH, Dores RM. 1977. Evidence for a diuretic hormone in monarch butterfly, Danaus-plexippus. American Zoologist 17: 928-928.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1977
Wensler RJ. 1977. Ultrastructure of indirect flight muscles of monarch butterfly, Danaus-plexippus (L) with implications for fuel utilization. Acta Zoologica 58: 157-167.
Category: Other
Type: Article
Year: 1977
Pan ML. 1977. Synthetic juvenile hormone and larval-pupal transformation in monarch butterfly. American Zoologist 17: 912-912.
Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Article
Year: 1977
Urquhart FA, Urquhart NR. 1977. Overwintering areas and migratory routes of monarch butterfly (Danaus-p-plexippus, Lepidoptera Danaidae) in North-America, with special reference to western population. Canadian Entomologist 109: 1583-1589.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Pan ML. 1976. Control of vitellogenin synthesis in monarch butterfly by juvenile hormone. Developmental Biology 54: 127-134.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Schroeder LA. 1976. Energy, matter and nitrogen-utilization by larvae of monarch butterfly Danaus-plexippus. Oikos 27: 259-264.
Category: Other
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Kanz JE. 1976. Orientation of monarch butterfly. American Zoologist 16: 244-244.
Category: Migration
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Urquhart FA. 1976. Found at last: The monarch’s winter home. National Geographic Magazine 150: 161-73
Category: Monarch research, Overwinter dynamics
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Hill HF, Wenner AM, Wells PH. 1976. Reproductive behavior in an overwintering aggregation of monarch butterflies. American Midland Naturalist 95: 10-19.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Herman WS, Peng P. 1976. Juvenile hormone stimulation of sperm activator production in male monarch butterflies. Journal of Insect Physiology 22: 579-581.
This database is a work in progress and is likely to contain several omissions and mistakes.
Please contact leslie.ries@georgetown.edu with any additions or corrections.