Welcome to the monarch library! Our goal is to include all peer-reviewed articles on monarch biology with links to sites that will give you the easiest direct access to each article. Please contact leslie.ries@georgetown.edu if you 1) know of an article not included, 2) find a mistake in any of the listed articles, 3) know of a better link to access an article. Thanks! With your help we can provide the most complete, informative access to all papers on monarch biology.
Field Definitions
First author: Last name of the first author
Type: Article or book chapter
Year: Publication year
Source: Journal or book
Category*: Broad scope of the publication.
Research topic (monarch & supporting research only)*: Specific topic.
Geographic focus*: Geographic setting for field studies.
Monitoring data used: Data from monitoring or public data efforts.
* Full list
995 result(s)
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Herman WS, Barker JF. 1976. Ecdysterone antagonism, mimicry, and synergism of juvenile hormone action on monarch butterfly reproductive-tract. Journal of Insect Physiology 22: 643-648.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Edgar JA, Cockrum PA, Frahn JL. 1976. Pyrrolizidine alkaloids in Danaus-plexippus L. and Danaus-chrysippus L. Experientia 32: 1535-1537.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Barker JF, Herman WS. 1976. Effect of photoperiod and temperature on reproduction of monarch butterfly, Danaus-plexippus. Journal of Insect Physiology 22: 1565-1568.
Category: Monarch research, Population dynamics
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Neck RW. 1976. Summer Monarch (Danaus plexippus) in southern texas (Danaidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 30.
Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Urquhart FA, Urquhart NR. 1976. The overwintering site of the eastern population of the monarch butterfly (Danaus p. plexippus; Danaidae) in southern Mexico. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 30: 153.
Category: Migration, Overwinter dynamics
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Urquhart FA, Urquhart NR. The overwintering site of the eastern population of the monarch butterfly (Danaus p. plexippus; Danaidae) in southern Mexico. J. Lepid. Soc. 1976;30:153-8.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Urquhart FA. 1976. Alar pocket of male monarch butterfly (Danaus-p-plexippus) (Danaidae-Lepidoptera). Canadian Entomologist 108: 777-782.
Category: Commentary or review
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Roeske CN, Seiber JN, Brower LP, Moffitt CM. 1976. Milkweed Cardenolides and Their Comparative Processing by Monarch Butterflies (Danaus plexippus L.). Pages 93 in Wallace JW, Mansell RL, eds. Biochemical Interaction Between Plants and Insects, Springer U
Study of the peninsular Florida populations of the monarch butterfly (Danaus P. plexippus; Danaidae)
Category: Monarch research, Population dynamics
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Urquhart FA, Urquhart NR. 1976. Study of the peninsular Florida populations of the monarch butterfly (Danaus P. plexippus; Danaidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society.
Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Article
Year: 1976
Urquhart FA, Urquhart NR. 1976. Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus L.) overwintering population in Mexico (Lep. Danaidae). Atalanta (Munnerstadt) 7:56-61.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1975
Rao NN, Murty AS. 1975. Chromosome number of Danaus-plexippus (Lepidoptera - Danaidae). Current Science 44: 894-895.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1975
Brower LP, Glazier SC. 1975. Localization of heart poisons in monarch butterfly. Science 188: 19-25.
Category: Monarch research, Population dynamics
Type: Article
Year: 1975
Etchegaray JB, Nishida T. 1975. Reproductive activity, seasonal abundance and parasitism of monarch butterfly, Danaus-plexippus (Lepidoptera, Danaidae) in Hawaii. Proceedings of the Hawaiian Entomological Society 22: 33-39.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1975
Herman WS. 1975. Juvenile-hormone stimulation of tubular and accessory glands in male monarch butterflies. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Physiology 51: 507-510.
Category: Monarch research, Environmental performance
Type: Article
Year: 1975
Mathavan S, Pandian TJ. 1975. Effect of temperature on food utilization in monarch butterfly Danaus chrysippus.Oikos 26: 60-64.
This database is a work in progress and is likely to contain several omissions and mistakes.
Please contact leslie.ries@georgetown.edu with any additions or corrections.