Welcome to the monarch library! Our goal is to include all peer-reviewed articles on monarch biology with links to sites that will give you the easiest direct access to each article. Please contact leslie.ries@georgetown.edu if you 1) know of an article not included, 2) find a mistake in any of the listed articles, 3) know of a better link to access an article. Thanks! With your help we can provide the most complete, informative access to all papers on monarch biology.
Field Definitions
First author: Last name of the first author
Type: Article or book chapter
Year: Publication year
Source: Journal or book
Category*: Broad scope of the publication.
Research topic (monarch & supporting research only)*: Specific topic.
Geographic focus*: Geographic setting for field studies.
Monitoring data used: Data from monitoring or public data efforts.
* Full list
995 result(s)
Category: Monarch research, Evolution/range
Type: Article
Year: 1967
Krivda W. 1967. The Monarch butterfly (Danaidae) in northern Saskatchewan. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 21: 31-32.
Category: Techniques
Type: Article
Year: 1966
Urquhart FA, Stegner RW. 1966. Laboratory techniques for maintaining cultures of the monarch butterfly. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 5: 129.
Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Article
Year: 1966
Urquhart FA. 1966. A study of the migrations of the Gulf Coast population of the monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus L.) in North America. Ann. Zool. Fennica 3: 82-87.
Category: Monarch research, Environmental performance
Type: Article
Year: 1966
Brewer I. 1966. Some Experimental Color Aberrations in Danaus plexippus. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 20: 45-46.
Category: Monarch research, Natural enemies
Type: Article
Year: 1966
Urquhart FA. 1966. Virus-caused epizootic as a factor in population fluctuations of monarch butterfly. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 8: 492-&.
Category: Techniques
Type: Article
Year: 1966
Brewer J, Thomas GM. 1966. Causes of death encountered during rearing of Danaus plexippus (Danaidae). Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 20:235-238.
Category: Other
Type: Article
Year: 1965
BROWER LP, JONES MA. Precourtship interaction of wing and abdominal sex glands in male Danaus butterflies. InProceedings of the Royal Entomological Society of London. Series A, General Entomology 1965 Dec 1 (Vol. 40, No. 10‐12, pp. 147-151). Blackwell Publishing Ltd.
Category: Commentary or review
Type: Article
Year: 1965
Sheppard PM. 1965. The monarch butterfly and mimicry. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 19: 227-230.
Category: Monarch research, Population dynamics
Type: Article
Year: 1965
Smithers CN. 1965. A note on overwintering in Danaus plexippus (Linnaeus) (Lepidoptera, Nymphalidae) in Australia. The Australian Zoologist 13:135-136.
Category: Monarch research, Overwinter dynamics
Type: Article
Year: 1965
Urquhart FA, Beard P, Brownlee R. 1965. A population study of a hibernal roosting colony of the monarch butterfly (D. plexippus) in northern California. Journal of Research on the Lepidoptera 4: 221.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1965
Parsons JA. 1965. A digitalis-like toxin in monarch butterfly Danaus plexippus L. Journal of Physiology-London 178: 290-&.
Category: Monarch research, Physiology/behavior
Type: Article
Year: 1964
Hirumi H, Maramorosch K. 1964. Tissue culture of monarch butterfly Anosia plexippus. Contributions from Boyce Thompson Institute 22: 259-&.
Category: Monarch research, Migration
Type: Article
Year: 1964
Urquhart FA. 1964. Monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus) migration studies - autumnal movement. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Ontario 95: 23.
Category: Monarch research, Environmental performance
Type: Article
Year: 1964
Petersen B. 1964. Humidity, darkness, and gold spots as possible factors in pupal duration of monarch butterflies. Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 18: 230-232.
Category: Monarch research, Resource use
Type: Article
Year: 1964
Ramsay GW. 1964. Food of monarch butterfly (Danaus plexippus [L.] ) larvae in New Zealand. Tuatara 12: 154-155.
This database is a work in progress and is likely to contain several omissions and mistakes.
Please contact leslie.ries@georgetown.edu with any additions or corrections.