The Butterflies and Moths of North America (often referred to as BAMONA) is a website run by the Butterfly and Moth Information Network. They offer several services, including a website with species descriptions, maps displaying record locations, and a gallery of photographs. BAMONA also allows users to upload sighting records for both butterflies and moths into a database (users must upload photographs for expert confirmation). Finally, they offer data management services for several partners. Here, we restrict our descriptions to their sightings database and historical databases. We describe partner programs separately.
Butterflies and Moths of North America
Coordinator: Lotts, Kelly
Program Date(s): 2005
Institution Type: Non-profit Business
Species Focus: All butterfly species
Contact URL:

Protocol Type: Opportunistic, Sighting
Data Type(s): Presence only
Data Availability: Explore data at Users can request a data scientist account which will allow them to download datasets.
Survey Focus: Adults
Effort Tracking: None
Protocol Notes: Users need to register to upload photos to the site. A network of experts confirm each photograph before data are released into the database.